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Showing posts from January, 2006


In the second-degree lecture, what the aging lion considers the most beautiful lesson is contained in a semi-coded sentence that says: “The chapiters wr srmntd b pommls o bls rprsntg glbs.” that was followed by an un-coded and rather long sentence that says thus: “Their principal use, besides serving as maps to distinguish the outward parts of the earth, and the situation of the fixed stars, is to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising from the annual revolution of the earth around the sun as well as its diurnal rotation upon its own axis.” Please note that two phrases that are subtly hidden in the sentence which can be summed up as follows: (1) “the annual revolution of the earth around the sun”, which means the year, and (2) “its diurnal rotation upon its own axis” which simply meant the day. The greatest puzzle of course that confronts this writer is when was the second- degree lecture composed? Consider these curious facts that are presented in reverse order of occurr...


(Lecture delivered to the brethren of Dagohoy Lodge No. 84 on January 14, 2006) Worshipful Master, brethren. Today’s Masonic Education lecture is titled “Brotherly Love-- Outside the Lodge”. But before I deliver it to you, allow me to cite an anecdote that happened just a while ago that has relevance to this topic. Before our lodge was opened a few minutes ago, and while waiting for the hat that VW Manuel Mende has ordered brought from his home to the lodge, Bro. Ryan Tirol, who was to act as master of the lodge due to the inability of both the Worshipful Master and the Senior Warden to sit in the East, with the former being indisposed and is scheduled for an operation, while the latter unduly late for the meeting, asked this writer if the lodge cannot be opened unless a hat is available. Bro. Tirol, being a very young mason (he was raised less than two years ago), deserved to be given an explanation. And so the reply was: “our Fraternity relies heavily on symbolism, and that the...


Freemasonry, although not a religion, expressly prohibits atheists from joining the Craft due to religious considerations. Of course there are others who are barred from joining, like women, young men in their non-age and old men in their dot-age, but their exclusion are due not to religion but to other reasons. But are atheists the only persons who are barred on account of their religious conviction, or precisely, the lack of it? Let the aging lion now offer two other curious words in addition to atheists as defined Webster’s in Dictionary. This group, for the purpose of this article, will be called unbelievers. I. THE UNBELEIVERS Atheist- One who denies the existence of God. Agnostic- Of or relating to the belief that the existence of any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. Naturalist- One who advocates or practice the doctrine that denies a supernatural explanation of the origin, development, or end of the universe, and holds that scientific laws account...


AN OPEN EMAIL FROM THE AGING LION TO HIS ELDEST CUB My dear son: Your statement that you will soon petition for membership in Masonry was a pleasant surprise to your Tatay (Dad), for nowhere in time did he ever encourage you to join the Craft. The only occasion he recalls having invited you to a Masonic gathering was during his installation as master of his old lodge; but that was already a good ten years ago. Not that he objects to your intention but any self-respecting Mason will want that anyone, his son included, should join the Fraternity “of his own free will and accord.” But since you have courageously expressed your desire to join, it may benefit you if you are apprised of the three most basic, yet very important tenets of the Craft before your petition is processed by the lodge where you intend to become a member. I. BELIEF IN THE ALMIGHTY You may well remember that your Tatay has dutifully took you, your Nanay and the rest of your siblings to church almost every Sunday from...