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Spoon-feeding is oftentimes not nice. And so for this transmission, what the reader will get is a quotation from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (1 Kings 17: 17-23) but will not tell them what the lion is hinting at as it is being sent in the form of a teaser to arouse your curiousity.

“And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick: and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him. And she said unto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, o thou man of God, art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son? And he said unto her, Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him up on his own bed. And he cried unto the Lord and said, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn by slaying her son? And he stretch himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the Lord and said; O Lord my God, I pray thee, let this child’s soul come into him again. And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came to him again.”

The aging lion bets no uninitiated will ever comprehend the meaning of this send-out; and any brother who is in the dark is advised that he better get back into the lodge and again attend a third-degree conferral. He surely will need a refresher on what Freemasonry is all about!

Or is it possible, recipients don’t really bother to read the messages that the aging lion periodically send out? And those who would bother to react, please do so, it will make the lion aware you are still alive!!


Anonymous said…
A hint of Karmic retribution, which early Church Father Origen taught, when the Library of Alexandria still existed, burnt down by a highly placed Catholic Bishop, probably hailing from old Carthage.

Knowledge and Wisdom of ancient books and manuscripts had been burnt or eradicated for mass control and suppression of free and independent thinking:

Library of Alexandria, A.D. - Northen Egypt

Emperor Tsin, Builder of Great Wall, China

Crystal Night - Hitler's Brown Shirt, pre WWII

Gang of Four - wife of Mao-Tse-Tung

best regards,

Edward See, Dalisay Lodge #14
Anonymous said…
I read and save, and often forward your insights to various of my correspondents.
As from 10 hours ago I am the SW-elect of Star Lodge No. 187, F&AM, GL Ohio.
I will be installed on November 26 at 2 PM.
It is a great pleasure to travel, both actually and virtually via the internet.
have forwarded your article on
to a couple of the Global Fraternal Members who live in Mumbai, and am attaching a file on the "True Origin of the Internet" sent to me by Brother Tofique Fatehi.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Ellis Mills [etfromstar187]
Sickness & Distress Trestle Board Director
Glad Tidings/ Birthday Trestle Board Director
Chairman GFN Staff Directory Committee
JW Star Lodge 187, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Anonymous said…
Dear Bro.Jun,

Greetings to you and to Sis.Lorma from me and Norie. The fact is I enjoy reading your messages and the anecdotes on your very colorful life in Bohol. I hope that someday I will also find plenty of time to share whatever I can with those who needed it most, just as you and the lion tamer are doing.

Bro. Joey
Anonymous said…
correct me if i'm wrong but...
does this mean what i think it means? that elijah raised a widow's son from "death"?
Anonymous said…
Dad Jun,
Kuya, don't you worry, I'm always on track of everything you sent me. In fact, I saved them on a special folder. What I know is that the "widow" ( and her son) was from the tribe of napthali, is it? Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless the Aging Lion on his beachfront.
Anonymous said…
I think this story about the Prophet Elijah praying to God to bring the dead son of the woman he was staying with, could be the derivation of the G H S o D and the Words " O L m G i t n h f t W's S ". Please rectify me WB. Jun Galarosa if my understanding is not even close to your interpretation.

Bro Ric Telen

Bro. Ric:

It’s never easy to share thoughts with someone who is a total stranger to you. But the lion can try.
From the email that you sent, it appears that short article was forwarded to you by Bro. Ron Umali, who the undersigned understands, is based in Canada and is one of the more active brethren in that part of the globe. While the lion has not yet met him personally, the few exchanges of emails that they made can be considered genial and reciprocally beneficial. As such the lion feels obligated to share with you his interpretation on the topic that he earlier sent.

Suffice it to say that your views are similar; our ancient brethren must have been inspired by that particular quotation of the Holy Bible in amplifying that signal call of distress that to mariners is equivalent to the acronym SOS.

Bro. Ron, I also note Bro. Dexter Bragas, formerly of Rafael Palma Lodge No. 147 and my classmate in Quezon City Bodies, is already there. Kindly say hello to him for me, will you?!
With the lion’s kindest fraternal regards!

Bro. Jun

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